His Incarnation
The incarnation of SARVA MAHA SHAKTHI for the well being of the world
This Almighty Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy is the 33rd, one of His various incarnations of forms.
He takes after Lord Vishnu as holder of Conch and the Discus (Shanku and Chakra); He is the three eyed one, like Lord Shiva; He is a part of Mother Parashakthi as He has the Trident (Thrishoolam); and He wields the various weapons which all other deities have, in addition to the mount Lion and the little Mouse that keep Him company. In His warrior-like majestic form, this Maha Ganapathy stands heroically on a fully blossomed lotus. The Nagadevatas revolve around His head, with Darting flames of fire and with fifty one eyes; the Lord now stands in His cosmic grandeur, in His Viswaroopa, with His eyes starring with the force and ferocity of a Rudra.
It is only this Almighty Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy who can kill the mighty demon, of evil –eye and thus bring about well-being and prosperity to this world.
Shilpashree T.Baskaradoss, a divinely gifted artist of Chennai is the one to whom Sri Paramjothi Swamiji vouchsafed in a dream the vision of Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy. Recalling this unique experience after waking up, the artist sketched the form of the Ganapathy in multi-color. It was released on the sixtieth birthday of “Gnanasiddhar” Sri Paramjothi Swamiji.
By worshipping the portrait of Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy in homes, all the influences caused by the cast of evil-eye upon the members of the family will vanish like mist before sunlight. Worship of this Lord in companies, factories, offices and shops will ward off evil influences and bring about great profit and prosperity. When worship is thus done at many places, the total effect of the vibrations in the Ether will work as a force at the global level and thus protect the whole earth from evil forces and thereby bring about peace and prosperity to the entire humanity. "Everyone should come together and worship this deity Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy and become the recipients of his grace" - so says Sri Paramjothi Swamiji.
The words of blessing of Sri Paramjothi Swamiji, who has command over the eight super power called the Ashtamahasiddhis, cannot go wrong. This is what he says about the method of worship:
“In homes, the portrait of this Deity may be put up on the wall facing the North. It can be kept in the prayer room or in the drawing room where it can draw the attention of all visitors to the house. In the same way the portrait can be put up in shops, offices and factories”.
“Deeparadhana can be offered to this Deity. Honey and ginger may be offered as oblations”.
May the mighty Lord, Sri Shuba Drishti Ganapathy, who has taken form on the Divine intercession of Sage Agastya and by the benign grace of Sri Paramjothi Swamiji, wipe off all the miseries of the people in the world who suffer as a result of the destructive influence of evil-eye or Kan Drishti, and bestow upon all, lasting peace and prosperity.